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Frequently Asked Questions
Do you provide telehealth services?For all evaluations, I require at least one in-person appointment. As for therapy, I am a strong believer that in-person sessions are more effective than virtual sessions. On rare occasions, depending on the nature of the case and individual circumstances, I do provide telehealth services. If you are out of state and seeking services, please consult the following link to determine if your state participates in PSYCPACT:
Do you accept insurance?For reasons of privacy, confidentiality, and the limitations related to certain services, I do not accept insurance at this time. I am happy to provide you with a superbill for you to submit to your insurance company to possibly get reimbursed for out of network services.
What are your fees?Fees and retainers are variable based upon the services sought. Please feel free to reach out to discuss your specific case. Depending on your circumstance, we can also discuss the option of a sliding scale [however, I require proof of income for such arrangements]. All credit card or Venmo payments require a 3.5% convenience fee.
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